Hannibal gave up the attempt to find a way around, and proceeded to repair the broken path. After one day's work, the "corniche" was suitable for the mules and horses, which were at once sent down to a camp below the snow-line in order to be fed. After two more days the path was made suitable to lead down the elephants. Then the rest of Hannibal's army descended and joined the infantry on the way to Turin.
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The ascent was not specially difficult, as we started at night when there was a stiff crust on the snow. On the farther side the coolies made good progress, although the new snow, which had fallen to a depth of eight or ten inches on the old crust since last I crossed, became soft almost as soon as the sun rose. The animals, however, even though none of them carried loads, broke through and floundered and struggled pitifully, scarcely able to draw their bleeding legs out of the deep holes in the icy crust.